Friday 17 May 2013


Assuming Sanusi is right, Gowon finished the joke Britain stated by creating 12 artificial states in an artificial nation they called Nigeria.
The government with 36 states which arose from equally artificial considerations instead of from resource oriented realities, have become unmanageable as productive and federating units. Federating unit means you give as well as take, not just a resource sucker or parasite tethered to the center by decree and corruption.
Assuming Nigeria does not divide as predicted: Most Nigerians would not want a return to 3 regions. But we identify with the
Geo-political zones.
So why not run Nigeria as six states, with 6 economies, governments and federating states with Abuja run as neutral metropolis funded from the contribution of the 6 states? Each state with its own police administration and municipal administration (aka local governments)
One problem the suggestion for state autonomy is facing is that most states are currently too small to run autonomous, self supporting
economies, e.g. for state police, etc.
They don’t have a sizable economy to financially support certain things without FG intervention. So what makes them a state? But each of these six states can have a large economy, easily:
1. Niger Delta State
2. Middle Belt state ( will exclude/include certain new areas)

3. South-Eastern ( or Biafra ) state
4. South-Western ( or Oduduwa ) state
5. North-Western ( or Dan Fodio ) state
6. North-Eastern ( or Kanem Borno or Boko Haram ) state
That is how those we are copying [USA] made sure the federating states can be autonomous and viable, in a voluntary union with a secession clause.
With this structure, the state decides how many local governments ( better called municipal councils ) it needs, then create and fund them itself with tax-revenue.

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